Friday, May 17, 2013

Acoustic beauties

Sam Smith is the one. His voice is like a drop of heaven to my ears. Absolutely no words can describe his voice, and when he sings acoustic versions of his songs, I literally just melt. I only recently discovered him on Disclosure's song Latch, but I'm so thankful for YouTube for letting me dive a little deeper into his musical talents.
Happy listening...

Sam Smith: Latch

Sam Smith: Lay me down

What rhymes with hug me?

Robin Thicke, ft, T.I and Pharrell: Blurred lines.

I discovered this today and fell in love. Constantly on repeat, definitely my new fave and the ultimate summer tune. The video is absolutely amazing, it includes humour, self-advertising, sexy men, sexy girls, plastic outfits and lambs, yes lambs. The lyrics are just as interesting.
Oh my, and those blue eyes. #THICKE

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Weddings vs Marriage

My parents have been married for 34 years (give or take a year). They have had 5 children. A house. Numerous pets. We've had arguments. Graduations. Heartbreaks. Weddings. Deaths. Births. We've had it all. But we have had it as a family. And I can honestly say I would not be who I am today without my parents.

My parents are my heroes. The two people that I look up to. They have been happily married for, what seems to me, forever.

I know I'm extremely lucky. I see my parents everyday, I have never had to see them get divorced and they are both healthy and happy. I have no half or step or distance siblings. I am a fully fledged Essex and we stick together.

It may be the celebrity world and bombarding media reports and images that have made me think of this, but it seems to be that a huge amount of people want a wedding but not a marriage. It's a bit like the Friends episode, where Monica wants a beautiful dress and big event, but Chandler want's a home, kids and a little kitty with a bell on its collar (Monica wants a dog, standard married life issue...pets). The amount of money spent on weddings is ridiculous, the cake the dress, the venue, the photographs, the food. I'd rather save that money and buy a house...a home. I hate to judge, but it is usually woman that go crazy and want the 'perfect' day full of attention and compliments. That is my worst nightmare.
I think the problem is, so many people want a wedding day, rather than a married life. They forget that they should marry for love and to spend the future together. A marriage isn't just an excuse for a big party and a pretty dress. Maybe that is why so many marriages end in divorce, people forget to look at the bigger picture, the future that they will spend together. There will be tough times, bills to pay, disagreements, money worries, time constraints, children screaming at 3am. The honeymoon period cannot last forever. But the love should.

That is why, when I am ready. When I fall in love. I want a marriage, not a wedding.

The 'new' #LAD culture

Ok, so apparently this #LAD culture has only emerged over the past few years. I think not. Sure, sure the films paint the picture of true gentleman who treat their partner with full respect and romance. But I'll be honest here, #LAD is not a new thing. Ok maybe the hashtag is, thanks to the beautiful development of social networking. Guys drinking at the pub, having a laugh, acting stupid and looking at women is nothing new.

I'll also be really honest here. I love the idea of #LADS. Don't get me wrong, I do not appreciate people disrespecting others or making anyone feel insecure or unworthy. But give me a guy in a pub with a heap load of banter, or a few beers, a pizza and a decent film any day. Of course, I like a bit of romance, the odd bunch of flowers or a kiss goodnight. I just cannot get my head round the girls that seem to completely hate this #LAD culture. I like a man to be a man. If he wants to be with his friends and look at girls, why shouldn't he? I will happily look at a guy in the gym, or me and the girls will openly discuss who looks good or what we want from our ideal guy. It happens, it's natural. (There is a tiny issue with it though, unless the #LAD is hot he should not judge others. But that is just my opinion)

Let us also point out here, a huge amount of girls are happily willing to show off a bit of bum or cleavage, or a cheeky text. Yes, yes, I hear you... what about feminism? But actually aren't girls in control a little bit here, they have more power over a guy than they think. I personally have high standards and high morals, and if a guy disrespected me or one of my friends I wouldn't be happy, as long as that line isn't crossed I think it is perfectly acceptable. No aggression or nothing too personal, but suggesting a girl should live in the kitchen is ok, because at the end of the day, we all know she will not. Girls and guys just want to have fun and as long as no one is getting seriously hurt, lets just be frank, it's just banter. And who can possibly say they don't enjoy banter. We all do it, taking the mick out of someone is the new way of telling them you love them. It's all just fun and games.

That's it really. Get in the kitchen and make a sandwich now, yea?