Sunday, October 21, 2012

GYM GOERS (and a few rules)

I go to the gym a lot. No I’m not that skinny bitch everyone hates, I'm the one sweating away bright red face and breathing as if I’m having a heart attack. But I go a lot, so in the future I’ll look like that skinny bitch and won't be such a mess at the gym. I love the gym, it's somewhere to escape to, to think, to relax. Yes the gym is relaxing. I've been going to the gym for about a year now, usually 5 days a week. I'm not where I want to be, but I’m making progress and at least I’m doing something, not just complaining that I want to look a certain way but just sitting on the sofa eating a burger.

Since I go to the gym a lot I see a lot of people there. I've realised there are 5 types of gym goers:
THE EXTREMES: these people are the ones everyone is aspiring to be, males will have amazing arms and abs that you only thought was possible by airbrushing. The females of this group tend to have abs of steel and never seem to have a bit of sweat on them.
THE POSERS: closely linked to the extremes as they tend to have good bodies. However I rarely see them doing anything but looking in the mirrors or sorting their hair out. The males tend to spend 1 minute lifting weights and then 10 minutes looking at themselves in the mirror, sometimes adding a little stretch or a reveal of the stomach. The females of this group tend to be complete 'girls', usually in a group of 2 or more, they believe the gym is a catwalk and only wear the best designer fashioned gym clothes, yet do little in it. They come with a face full of makeup and sit on the bike on level one gossiping.
THE GET ME FIT: Most people fit into this type, probably myself included, this is the average gym goer, actually works hard at the gym, sweat dripping off the face and heavy breathing, but completely committed to getting fit and trying hard. These are the people I respect the most at the gym and would never judge.
THE LAZY ONE: This is aimed at one older lady in particular; however I’m sure there’s a lot like her. She is paying a membership, buys a new gym kit, arrives at the gym, and believes she is doing something good for an hour, however she sits on the bike (not moving her legs) and watches one of the large TVs for a good hour. Just because you are at the gym it doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything. Sometimes I wish I could shake her and tell her to just do a little something each time, it really frustrates me.
THE UNACCEPABLE GYM GOER: this is particularly aimed at those who wear unusual or unacceptable clothes to the gym. I normally tweet a remark of these people with the hash tag #gymfashion I in no way believe the gym is a fashion parade. But a jumper and collared shirt is not suitable. I've also seen a man in jeans, another in a plaid shirt (twice) and another in a shirt that he'd clearly left work in. I think it's important to wear sensible clothing for the gym, it doesn’t have to be the latest Nike (I may add here that I am a walking advert for Nike, the dri-fit clothing is amazing), but trainers and shorts will do. Another unacceptable gym goer is the over sweaty and smelly man that decided to get on the machine next to me the other day. I'm all up for a bit of sweat (as long as you wipe the machine down afterwards), sweat shows you've worked hard. But this man was far too over the line, I could taste it. Gagging and running is not a good look.

I love the gym. I love that people use gyms to get fit and healthy. But I think a few people need to learn that it's not a catwalk, a TV viewing room or a mirrored wall for your vain appearance.

I can no way get off lightly; I’m so clumsy in life that this habit often joins me at the gym, with me dropping my iPhone at least once on every gym occasion. I have my music on so loud that everyone near me can hear it. I know every word to every song on my gym playlist and therefore believe it is acceptable to sing or mime along with the song. I realise it is not acceptable. I also often tweet at the gym, this is annoying, and it looks like I’m not working hard enough. But I just can’t resist tweeting about the latest #gymfashion I’ve seen.

The gym is a place for a vast amount of people; they are all there for a reason. Some just work harder at achieving their goals...others prefer to watch sky sports news or themselves in a mirror, in their jeans and plaid shirt. #gym

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