Sunday, October 21, 2012

I wish. I want. I act.

I wish for quite a lot of things. Things for myself, like money, clothes and shoes mostly. Selfish, I know. However lately I've been wishing for other things, like that I could stop worrying about everyone else and hoping my phone would buzz with that text I desperately want or I could escape from here for a while. Mainly I've been wishing for a well-paid full time job, so I can stop selfishly wishing for the materialistic items. I know a lot of people wish, some people call it praying, others call it hoping. It's nice to have a little faith that one day the world will give you a favour. But as much as I wish for these things and no matter how desperately I want anything in my life, it's pretty useless if I’m not willing to put in a bit of hard labour and do something about it. Wishing, wanting and doing are completely different actions. And let's be honest, actions are what make the world go round. So I’ve now decided whilst it's nice to dream of those perfect shoes in my size or that dress that would look amazing for that night out, it's hopeless if I’m not willing to do something about it. I've learnt this by going to the gym. I wish I could have the body of a supermodel, but I know I can wish all I want and eat a burger and it's not going to happen. I know I have to eat healthy and hit the gym and sweat like crazy and hurt like hell to get where I want to be. So it's about time I put that into practice in all other aspects of my life. First thing to act upon is to get a job. LET'S GET TO IT.

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