Thursday, May 24, 2012

J'adore Paris

I went to Paris on the 26th April for 3 beautiful days with two of my favourite people, Laura & Sophie. I had the most amazing time and all I've wanted to do since I got home, was to just jump back on the eruostar and get back into the apartment that felt like home. I barely speak a word of French. In fact I speak no French. One French shop worker actually laughed at my attempt of 'merci'. We went on an open top boat trip in the freezing rain, which eventually became hail and this led to a thunderstorm. Myself, Laura and Sophie and two men with coats and umbrellas (clearly they watched a weather report and came prepared), were the only people left on the open part of the boat. We were determined to stick it out, we looked like drowned rats, but it was hilarious. We went to Montmartre, where we found the tourist shops and cocktails which were much needed. We also visited the Eiffel Tower (standard), which I thought was a telephone pylon from a distance! But that is all we did really in terms of tourism. We planned to go to galleries and the main attractions, but instead we ran out of time and our strict budgets didn't help the situation. But we had fun in our own way. We went to bars in the evening and met some of the best people (luckily they spoke fluent English). We travelled for what felt hours on the metro. We laughed, constantly. We found supermarkets with dirt cheap wine (it also tasted dirt cheap) and chocolate that was far too expensive. Paris was a place which I absolutely fell in love with. I will go back; it was too much fun not to visit again.

One guy we met gave us the best advice I've ever heard.

'It is always in interest to love'

This will stick with me forever; it means so much and has inspired me more than anything ever has.


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